"As a sailboat is guided by the unseen forces of the wind and the currents, so too is individual life influenced and often directed by the workings of unseen archetypes. To navigate, the sailor learns the ways of the water, the tides, and the winds, and so too must they be adept at reading the patterns emerging in the sea to anticipate the best routes for future travel. So in life, we need to learn about these essential landmarks of the journey, and the symbols and initiatives conveying the nature of the archetypes guiding our life."
Dr. Michael Conforti, Founder and Director
Dr. Michael Conforti, Founder and Director
Archetypal Pattern Analyst
"...the main interest of my work is not concerned with the treatment of neuroses but rather with approaching the numinous. But the fact is that approaching the numinous is the real therapy and inasmuch as you arrive at numinous experiences you are released from the curse of pathology.” |
Dream Patterning,
Beginning, Advanced and Masters "We only know what we know, but there is plenty more of which we might know if only we could give up insisting upon what we do know. But the Dream would tell us more," |
The fairy tale itself is its own best explanation; that is, its meaning is contained in the totality of its motifs connected by the thread of the story. ~Marie Louise Von Franz, Interpretation of Fairy Tales~ |