Recommended Reading Lists for the Assisi Institute Conferences
September 1: An Archetypal Developmental Approach
Erich Neumann -
Origins and History of Consciousness,
The Great Mother,
The Child,
Depth Psychology and the New Ethic
Carl Jung -
Psychological Factors Determining Human Development
Edward Whitmont -
The Destiny Concept in Psychotherapy
Marie Von Franz -
Puer Aeternus: A Psychological Study of the Adult Struggle with
the Paradise of Childhood
Animus and Anima in Fairy Tales
Ken Wilbur -
Up From Eden
Elvis and Annabelle
November 1: Thresholds and Initial Conditions
Michael Conforti -
Threshold Experiences, Michael
Csanyi, V. and G. Kampis. (1985).
"Autogenesis: The Evolution of Replicative Systems." The
Journal of Theoretical Biology.
Csanyi, V. and G. Kampis. (1991).
"Modelling biological and Social Change: Dynamical
Replicative Network Theory."
Ervin Laszlo -
The New Evolutionary Paradigm. Ed. Ervin Laszlo. New York: gordon and
Breach:. 77-92.
Metamorphosis for Animals, Adolf
_______ Chaos, Fred Abraham
Abraham, F., & Gilgen, A. (1995). Chaos Theory in
Creation Myths, Marie Von Franz
March 21 - 24, 2013: The Von Franz Seminars: Archetypal Patterns in Myth,
Dreams and Literature
Psychological Meanng of Redemption Motifs in Fairytales, M.L. von Franz (book)
Puer Aeternus: A Psychological Study of the Adult Struggle with the Paradise of Childhood, M.L. von Franz (book)
The Tendency Towards Patterning in Matter and Psyche, Elizabeth Osterman (article)
Souls on Fire: Portraits and Legends of Hasicidic Masters, Elie Wiesel (book)
Suggested Readings:
Sages and Dreamers, Elie Wiesel (book)
On Divination and Synchronicity, M.L. von Franz (book)
Projection and Recollection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the Soul, M.L. von Franz (book)
May 15 - 19 , 2013: Dreams: Images of the Soul
Suggested Readings:
Visions of the Night, Joel Covitz (book)
Dream - The Vision of the Night, Max Zeller (book)