Present at Board Meeting:
Michael Conforti: Founder and Director of Assisi Institute
Muriel MacMahon: Co-Director of Studies
Eduardo Carvallo:
Jennifer Fadel: Director of Public Programming
Kristi Webb: Director of Ethics
Butch Mercer: Director of IT
Silvia Behrend: Director of International Studies
Other notes:
Respectfully submitted:
February 29, 2020
Michael Conforti: Founder and Director of Assisi Institute
- Expressed gratitude for the work of the board as we move the Institute forward
- Each member of the Board has the goal of supporting the mission and vision
- Thrilled to see the work moving forward and the richness of the interaction among the members
- Reminded of the Eagle and Condor, and Hestia and Hermes
- Updated on the development of programs in Catania, Rome, Milano, Cyprus
- Giglio and Assisi to be every other year conferences with more faculty being invited
Muriel MacMahon: Co-Director of Studies
- Working with Eduardo Carvalo, they have instituted the following
- Office hours on Mondays, not recorded, a place for students to reach out,
- She is attending classes to get to know the students better
- Developing pathways to graduation
- Deadlines for submission of papers,
- Milestones
- When students can engage with the process as they move towards gradutation
- Also Editor of the Journal, to be published once a year, by Fisher Press, working with Jan Brown who is the chair of the Editorial Board. So far 9 submissions for the journal
Eduardo Carvallo:
- Happy to be sharing the position with Muriel
- Will be offering office hours
- Working with Muriel to develop pathways to graduation
Jennifer Fadel: Director of Public Programming
- Officially started the 2020 Vision Series
- Coming up: Exile and Homecoming in the fall
- Is looking forward to working with all Board Members to develop a cohesive program that addresses where they students are in their education to deepen their studies at the same time as offering those special programs to the public.
- In charge of a master calendar in order to streamline the programs
- Would like for all of us to communicate about what we are doing
- Co-ordination on the website is crucial, wants to be able to be contacted directly
- Butch will make this possible on the website for all Direrctors
Kristi Webb: Director of Ethics
- Her role is a pro-active, responsive role to those who seek counsel on ethical issues
- Will also hold office hours and be contacted directly via the website
- Her interest is in incorporating ethics training into the program, both APA and for the public
- Out of this discussion, we will look at developing a program around international ethics, a panel as well as the ethical mandate of archetypal patterns.
Butch Mercer: Director of IT
- In charge of the website, (with Dara), constant contact (with Sara)
- We have 6700 contacts
- Will re-design the website, will work with Dara to update and give it a fresh new look
- Has a sense of the budget, will run budgetary needs through Michael
- Will set up online payments
- Will set up a link to the Board of Directors
- Sending out a Constant Content of the faculty directory on Monday
- We can send multi-lingual content for the international programs
- All things IT, call Butch
Silvia Behrend: Director of International Studies
- Working with Michael to continue to develop, support and sustain programming in Latin America, Russia, Cyprus, Italy (no stand alone APA in Australia)
- Will also institute office hours to be in line with other Directors
- As a member of the Assisi Foundation, working to develop a fundraising plan to support and fund programming
- Michael graciously mentioned that when we get significant fundraising, that Directors be compensated
- As we move forward with funding, each Director and their committees will have a budget to support their work
- Some committees will need more money than others
Other notes:
- We will meet at the beginning of May, Silvia to send out doodle
- There will be a dedicated page on the website that is password protected for the Board to archive meeting notes, exchange information, stay connected (Butch will take care of this)
- There was a true sense of the community we are creating, as we slowly and surely build a sound, sustainable structure that will hold for the Institute regardless of who is in the position of Director. We are at the initial conditions stage and it is an honor to be part of this process together.
Respectfully submitted:
February 29, 2020